Wisconsin Chapter NSA Auditions Regulations
Teacher Eligibility and Participation Guidelines
NOTE: Wisconsin Chapter Auditions is a standalone event from NSA - students do not advance to the NSA from our Chapter event, but of course may enter NSA in the 2025 year.
WI NATS members must be in good standing with the National Association and State Chapter by September 15th to register students in the Fall Auditions. Questions regarding membership should be directed to Matthew Markham.
Current National Association members new this year to the State of Wisconsin must pay WI State dues by September 15th. HERE'S HOW.
Teachers- not students - must complete registration through AuditionWare and communicate directly with audition personnel if necessary. Students are not allowed to enter themselves in the audition or make repertoire or other changes.
If you are not entering students, we can use your help as an Adjudicator! Please contact Auditions Co-Chair Dan Johnson Wilmot
NATS members themselves may participate in the Adult divisions if they are studying with another Wisconsin NATS chapter member and they meet the category requirements. NATS members may not register themselves in the auditions.
Current National Association members new this year to the State of Wisconsin must pay WI State dues by September 15th. HERE'S HOW.
Teachers- not students - must complete registration through AuditionWare and communicate directly with audition personnel if necessary. Students are not allowed to enter themselves in the audition or make repertoire or other changes.
If you are not entering students, we can use your help as an Adjudicator! Please contact Auditions Co-Chair Dan Johnson Wilmot
NATS members themselves may participate in the Adult divisions if they are studying with another Wisconsin NATS chapter member and they meet the category requirements. NATS members may not register themselves in the auditions.
Teacher Absenteeism
WINATS members sending students to the Auditions but unable to participate themselves will be assessed a $75 fee and limited to 5 (five) entries.
Members submitting students to the Children and Youth Online Auditions must be available for online adjudication November 4 - 8.
Students of teachers on sabbatical or other leave are allowed to participate in the auditions if the replacement teacher is a member in good standing with the National Association and the Wisconsin Chapter.
Members submitting students to the Children and Youth Online Auditions must be available for online adjudication November 4 - 8.
Students of teachers on sabbatical or other leave are allowed to participate in the auditions if the replacement teacher is a member in good standing with the National Association and the Wisconsin Chapter.
Student Participation Rules
Please read carefully the NSA Length of Study and Age Limit Guidelines as they pertain to Wisconsin to determine the correct Category and Repertoire for your students.
NEW this year. student Registration fee is $30 for entry in each category.
A student may participate in any/all categories (Classical, Music Theater, Commercial Music, and American Negro Spiritual). The online registration form must be filled out once for each category entered.
Student registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE once registration has closed (October 15)
Online Auditions (Children and Youth) Students or teachers will record videos and post them to an unlisted YouTube Channel. Please see the Video Submission Guidelines for more details. The submission deadline is October 28.
Any student may register to sing for comments only and participate in the preliminary audition round.
NEW this year. student Registration fee is $30 for entry in each category.
A student may participate in any/all categories (Classical, Music Theater, Commercial Music, and American Negro Spiritual). The online registration form must be filled out once for each category entered.
Student registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE once registration has closed (October 15)
Online Auditions (Children and Youth) Students or teachers will record videos and post them to an unlisted YouTube Channel. Please see the Video Submission Guidelines for more details. The submission deadline is October 28.
Any student may register to sing for comments only and participate in the preliminary audition round.
Repertoire Changes
Repertoire Changes must be processed through Susan Bender. Deadline is October 22.
Online Audition Repertoire Changes: Once videos are uploaded and registration is completed, repertoire cannot be changed. Please be sure to read the repertoire requirements carefully for each category to be sure all requirements are being met.
Online Audition Repertoire Changes: Once videos are uploaded and registration is completed, repertoire cannot be changed. Please be sure to read the repertoire requirements carefully for each category to be sure all requirements are being met.
Monetary Awards are given in each category to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place WINNERS:
Ist Place: $150 2nd place: $125 3rd place: $100
These awards (and recognition of all Finalists) will be announce at the online
Awards Ceremonies Friday evening (Friday Finals);
Saturday midday (Saturday am Finals);
Saturday afternoon (Saturday pm Finals)
Ist Place: $150 2nd place: $125 3rd place: $100
These awards (and recognition of all Finalists) will be announce at the online
Awards Ceremonies Friday evening (Friday Finals);
Saturday midday (Saturday am Finals);
Saturday afternoon (Saturday pm Finals)
Ineligible to Advance
Students will be ineligible to advance for the following reasons:
- Misrepresentation by the student or teacher regarding eligibility, age, length of study, or instructor
- Violations of memorization guidelines
- Singing repertoire not listed on the registration/adjudication form