What’s NEW at the Auditions
AUDITIONWARE will be used for Registration and paying fees,
Access it by logging in to www.nats.org
The Registration fee for each cateogry entered is $30.
Children and Youth Auditions will be held ONLINE. Video submission guidelines in AuditionWare.
American Negro Spiritual Category will be held in the High School, Post-High School, and Advanced Categories.
Commercial Music - CM (formerly Contemporary Commercial Music) Auditions will be held IN PERSON!
Music Theater is now called MUSICAL THEATRE
Teachers sending students under the age of 18 to the in-person auditions must complete the Minor Chaperone Registration form. Further instructions can be found on the How to Register tab.
Access it by logging in to www.nats.org
The Registration fee for each cateogry entered is $30.
Children and Youth Auditions will be held ONLINE. Video submission guidelines in AuditionWare.
American Negro Spiritual Category will be held in the High School, Post-High School, and Advanced Categories.
Commercial Music - CM (formerly Contemporary Commercial Music) Auditions will be held IN PERSON!
Music Theater is now called MUSICAL THEATRE
Teachers sending students under the age of 18 to the in-person auditions must complete the Minor Chaperone Registration form. Further instructions can be found on the How to Register tab.